Saturday 31 October 2009


Taekwon-do Grading

The whole family graded today, Mum and B got an 'A' grade pass for their yellow tags and J got a plus pass. I was grading for my green tags and was awarded with the grading trophy for having most points overall on the day. I was really happy as it was a particularly busy session with around forty students grading.

Sunday 18 October 2009


Legoland at Windsor was a lot of fun, first stop was a wet one in the rapids.

Then it was off to get dizzy on the other rides.

After the log ride, being a little wet we dried off in the human sized dryer.

The Lego Driving school was absolutely brilliant. The kids were photographed, then taken in groups to watch a safety video and theory, before taking to the streets for their driving test. It was amazing to see how attentive they were to the brief and how serious they took the rules, stopping at traffic lights, keeping to the left, one-way, roundabouts.

The driving test was a success and now B&J have a Licence to drive a lego car.

The lego Fire Academy was great. You had to compete with the other fire teams to get your fire engine to the burning building, out and pump to hose down the building, back into the truck and drive back to the start. Sirens going, Dad's getting over excited and determined to win, lots of fun.

A world made of Lego, a nerds paradise.

Saturday 17 October 2009

The Lion King

On the Saturday night of our London break we went to the Lyceum theatre to see The Lion King. The costumes were amazing, and the best stage I have seen in a theatre.

London Zoo

On the way to the zoo we took a walk through Regents Park.

First stop in the zoo was the Giraffes.

A couple of meerkats having a square go at each other.

The monkeys are always a crowd pleaser at the zoo.

A rather mean looking animal skilled in the ancient art of Bearkwon-do.