Sunday, 19 April 2009

Bennachie Treasure Hunt

We met up with M, D & K (Cortes Wanderers) this afternoon for a hike up Bennachie, targeting 3 treasure sites on the way. The route to the treasure #1 was a sculpture trail.

Off the beaten track towards treasure #2 beside Goukstane (The Cuckoo Stone) we found this little beastie.

J discovered the cache hidden under moss covered roots, where we found our first Geocoin. A Geocoin is a trackable coin that is registered and traced on it's journey from cache to cache, sometines covering distances across the globe. The note with this particular coin however stated it wanted to stay in the UK and visit as many places as possible. We will pass it on again very soon at our next treasure hunt day out.

J delighted with his Geocoin find.

Finally we made it to the top of the Mither Tap for some great views.

On the way down we found treasure #3, called 'Bennachie Booty', which was in the ruins of an old colony. Great day out and all 3 treasures located and logged.

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